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Gilbert describes her family history, particularly her father’s individualism. He built a suggestion box on orders from his captain in the Navy, then offered a suggestion to remove it. Her dad taught her to live her life the way she wanted. Her mother was also individualistic. This prompted Gilbert to become a writer, which her parents supported.
Gilbert encourages people to find ancestors who were creators and to view them as their roots. She also encourages people to just create, citing how created items throughout history vary in quality and importance, and were created because people enjoy the process. Creativity is part of being human. Everyone is creative, and even though gatekeepers try to make it exclusive, people don’t need permission to create.
Gilbert relates a story about a neighbor who views her tattoos as temporary because her body is temporary. The neighbor “decorates” herself, an idea Gilbert relates to decorating one’s life through creativity. Feeling the freedom to be creative, Gilbert argues, requires “believing that you are allowed to be here, and that—merely by being here, you are allowed to have a voice and vision of your own” (92). Poet David Whyte calls it “the arrogance of belonging” (92). This concept can help people interact more with life because they know that they belong in the world. On the other hand, self-limiting views, like those coming from the inner critic, hinder creative living. The arrogance of belonging focuses on the fundamental role of one’s existence and the freedom to express oneself, which can help quash the inner critic that tells people negative things about their creativity.
Gilbert considers the difference between originality and authenticity. She addresses people’s fear that they lack originality and argues that even though ideas are repeated, people have their own individual take on them. This authenticity is more important than originality. She also notes that creativity doesn’t need to be altruistic or “important.” She doesn’t think people should be motivated by helping others but by saving themselves. She wrote Eat Pray Love to save herself, even though it helped others in the end. She argues that it was more authentic because she wrote it for herself. Even though Big Magic is a self-help book, she wrote it for herself to explore her interest in creativity. She cites a friend who is a nun and works with the unhoused population in Philadelphia because she enjoys it; helping others is merely a side benefit. Gilbert concludes that people do not need a higher purpose to create.
Gilbert addresses education and how she lacks a graduate degree in writing. She decided not to get a graduate degree because she doesn’t see why writers need credentials, and thought she would learn more by traveling and experiencing life. She cautions those who are considering a writing degree about the high cost. She notes that writers and artists don’t need schooling or the associated debt; they can learn on their own. She fears that students of the arts are looking for a “legitimacy” based on a degree. She describes an artist friend who teaches and sees his students as having made an impulsive decision to pay for an education. School is important when learning a profession, “but the arts are not a profession, in the manner of regular professions. There is no job security in creativity, and there never will be” (106). She states that people who pay hefty tuition for an education feel like a failure if they don’t get instant success. She qualifies her argument by saying that she doesn’t oppose higher education, but the heavy debt it imposes.
Gilbert urges people to interact with and learn from the world or their lives, rather than going to school. For instance, she worked as a waitress, bartender, and in other jobs instead of going to graduate school. They inspired her writing, which she continued despite rejection letters. She also started a writing workshop with friends, another way to learn. Teachers can be creative people from the past, and people can learn from them. In addition, people may have already learned what they need from the world; their “legitimacy” comes from their lives.
She relates a story about a filmmaker friend who wrote to German director Werner Herzog about his difficulties with his career, and Herzog wrote back:
‘Quit your complaining. It’s not the world’s fault that you wanted to be an artist. It’s not the world’s job to enjoy the films you make, and it’s certainly not the world’s obligation to pay for your dreams. Nobody wants to hear it. Steal a camera if you must, but stop whining and get back to work’ (115-16).
This reminded her friend that his art was for himself and to keep working. Gilbert acknowledges that creativity is hard but to stop complaining because this discourages inspiration. People should tell themselves that they enjoy their creativity. She claims this is subversive; people don’t claim to enjoy creativity because they won’t be “taken seriously.” However, enjoyment will invite inspiration.
She also contends that the difference between high and low art is individualized, and that concepts like talent and greatness are unimportant. These ideas only pressure people who are trying to be creative, who should just create and not care about others think. For instance, Gilbert did not expect Eat Pray Love to become a bestseller or to resonate with so many people. She just wrote it for herself. Reactions to it ranged from negative to extremely positive, but she ignored them all, realizing that these reactions were not personal and that she could not control them. Others read into what she wrote, and one person claimed that the book gave her the resolve to leave her abusive husband. Gilbert cites how American musician John Lennon said that the Beatles were only a band. She suggests to not take creativity, or people’s reactions to it, so seriously.
Gilbert argues that people shouldn’t rely on their creativity to make a living. Creativity can transcend the essential things in life; its nonessential nature doesn’t bring her down but makes it easier to enjoy it.
Gilbert acknowledges that in countries with censorship and authoritarianism, creativity can be dangerous. However, she and her readers needn’t worry about that. She describes interviewing musician Tom Waits for a magazine article. Waits explained the various ways he writes songs and how some are more difficult than others. He also learned how to deal with creativity less seriously by watching his children create songs with abandon. He explained the role of music as “jewelry for the inside of other people’s minds” (133). If Waits takes his art less seriously, Gilbert says, others should take theirs less seriously.
Gilbert states that “art is absolutely meaningless. It is, however, deeply meaningful” (134). She explains that creativity can be extremely important but also unimportant so that people don’t feel its weight. People can view their creative endeavors both ways.
Gilbert explains how when she was 16, she “took vows” to dedicate her life to writing, but without focusing on whether she was successful and without deadlines. She kept that promise, writing every day in her twenties. She struggled, forced herself to write, imitated others, and progressed through persistence. She notes that people don’t need to start early in life, like she did. Some start late, such as her friend Winifred, who at 80 began studying Mesopotamia and became an expert. People can learn at any age.
Gilbert continued writing and learning and noticed patterns, particularly in relation to anxiety and fear. She realized that people are supposed to partner with inspiration because inspiration wants to work with them (147). She describes a bucket metaphor from Irish author Seamus Heaney, who said that writing poetry is like “lowering a bucket only halfway down a well, coming up time and again with nothing but empty air” (148). With time, one will eventually hit water.
In her twenties, Gilbert had a writer friend who craved success and was despondent about not getting his work published. Gilbert realized that these failures are part of creativity: “Frustration is not an interruption of your process; frustration is the process. The fun part [...] is when you’re actually creating something wonderful, and everything’s going great, and everyone loves it, and you’re flying high. But such instants are rare” (149). American writer Mark Manson said the secret to discovering one’s purpose is to answer: “What’s your favorite flavor of shit sandwich?” (150). Every endeavor has negative aspects, and people need to figure out what negativity they are okay with. Gilbert’s writer friend wasn’t willing to deal with this negativity, and he stopped writing.
Gilbert cautions creative people to not stop working a regular job, explaining that she only quit hers after Eat Pray Love became a success. She did not want to depend on her writing financially because the pressure might kill her creative impulse. Many people only feel like real artists if they make money from their art, and if this doesn’t happen, they have financial problems or stop creating. Gilbert says that people must also not say that their creativity is more important than finances. In addition, working a day job offers the freedom to be creative. Authors who kept working while writing include American authors Toni Morrison and Ann Patchett and British author J. K. Rowling.
Gilbert tells a story about a man in India whose only important asset was an ox. He painted the ox’s horns, decorated them with bells, and made the ox appealing for no reason than to be creative. Others should follow this example and create for no reason.
Gilbert describes a letter American author Herman Melville wrote to American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Melville said that he wished he had more time to work on Moby-Dick, a complaint many creative people have. In the end, he found the time anyways. Gilbert likens creativity to people who have an affair and make time for sex. Creatives should treat their projects that way: Find short periods to be creative and make time just like lovers would.
Similarly, Gilbert describes how the title character in Anglo Irish writer Laurence Sterne’s The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759) would dress up and make himself attractive to inspiration when he felt less creative. Gilbert has used this ploy to “seduce creativity back to my side” (163-64). This is like the adage “[f]ake it till you make it” (164).
Gilbert once had a relationship with a writer who quit because what he wrote differed from what was in his head. When she continued to work without success, he told her: “I would rather be a beautiful failure than a deficient success” (165). This, to Gilbert, is too much perfectionism. People need to discard perfection, which is unrealistic and keeps them from finishing their work or starting it in the first place. Some people think perfectionism is virtuous, but Gilbert sees it as a type of fear about self-worth. Women deal with perfectionism more, she says, which hinders them and keeps them from participating in the arts. They lack the overconfidence that men have, which allows men to not care about their qualifications. Gilbert thinks that more women should be like this.
Even Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius struggled with perfectionism. He wrote a set of Meditations (1558 or 1559) on creativity, which discussed perfectionism. Gilbert notes that people just need to keep doing the creative work. It removes them from their societal roles and the weight of their existence. She also notes that while some people think that creativity makes one “crazy,” she thinks that not being creative causes this.
Perfectionism relates to worrying about others’ opinions. When she was younger, Gilbert once met an older woman who told her that people worry too much when they’re young about what others think, but then as they age, realize that no one is thinking about them because they are thinking only about themselves. This knowledge allows creatives the freedom to create with abandon. They can then be imperfect, and no one will care. She explains that she only finished her first novel because she didn’t worry that it was imperfect. She almost stopped along the way, but then remembered that her mother always told her: “Done is better than good” (176). She notes that most people don’t complete their projects, so finishing one is surpassing them.
Similarly, she describes how her novel The Signature of All Things has imperfections and an underdeveloped character. She let this go when she was writing because it would have required too much rewriting, and she felt the book was good enough. It was like a crooked house that required tearing down the entire house to fix it. She notes that when she published the novel with its imperfections, it got mixed reviews, and only some critics said anything about the character. After this, people moved on, and the experience improved her writing.
She knew when she first started as a writer that she might not become successful, even with talent, desire, luck, and dedication. Creativity is not like other professions, in which talent and hard work create a path towards success. Creative people should rethink their definition of success. Gilbert realized that success involves talent, luck, and discipline; she could not control her talent or luck, only her discipline. This is the best path towards success, which is still not guaranteed. If a creative endeavor is something a person loves, then they are getting something out of it, even if they don’t achieve success. This is why Gilbert tells people not to make creative endeavors a career; there are always downsides, even with success, such as not liking one’s colleagues, schedule, fans, or critics. She suggests treating creativity as a vocation instead.
Gilbert describes an anecdote about writing the short story “Elk Talk” when she worked as a cook on a Wyoming ranch in her twenties. The story was inspired by learning how cowboys use elk calls. While drunk, she and a friend attempted to attract elk with these calls, and a large elk came towards them, sobering them up and making them feel humble. In the story, she wrote about the confluence between humans and nature. When she sent it to a magazine, she received a rejection letter. It included a personal note from the editor-in-chief, who “encouraged” Gilbert and gave her feedback. She kept sending the story out, but it was still rejected. She got another story published. A literary agent then sent out “Elk Talk” to the same magazine that had rejected her, and it was published. The editor had forgotten the earlier rejection.
She offers a few interpretations of that situation: Either the magazine wanted it because it was submitted by a well-known literary agent and not an unknown writer, or it was an example of “Big Magic.” She thought maybe the editor was having a bad day or was in a bad mood when she rejected it. The second time she read the story, it somehow worked—“it echoed in her consciousness and sang out to her. But that echo was only in her mind because I had planted it there, several years earlier, by sending her my story in the first place. And also because I had stayed in the game, even after the initial rejection” (194). This is Big Magic. Gilbert also learned that people like editors are ordinary people who act differently every day. Creatives just need to reach them at the perfect time, so they should keep trying.
Once, when writer American Richard Ford presented a book talk, an audience member said that he wanted advice because had the same qualifications as Ford but lacked the same success. However, he did not want to hear that he should just keep going. Ford told him to quit because writing was not making him happy. If after leaving writing alone for a while the man could not find anything else better, he should take it up again and persist.
Gilbert continues to explore how creativity is magical and how ideas and inspiration exist independently from people. She learned “that we are meant to engage with inspiration, and that inspiration wants to work with us” (147). Considering inspiration as independent helped her continue her writing journey throughout her life. By seeing it as a positive force that wanted to partner with her, Gilbert felt galvanized to continue working.
Gilbert argues that people should first create for themselves. This reflects her philosophical concept of creativity and mirrors her purpose for writing the book: to outline her ideas and views on creativity, which readers can take or leave. It is not a prescription for creativity but rather a self-exploration. Gilbert sees creative work as a personal endeavor. She explains:
I did not write this book for you; I wrote it for me. I wrote this book for my own pleasure, because I truly enjoy thinking about the subject of creativity. It’s enjoyable and useful for me to meditate on this topic. If what I’ve written here ends up helping you, that’s great, and I will be glad [...] But at the end of the day, I do what I do because I like doing it (100).
This is in line with her advice that people discard external pressures regarding their creativity: “Your reasons to create are reason enough” (101). Being open and receptive may allow what is really important to people to emerge. One’s work may help people in the end, though that, Gilbert argues, should not be the goal. In fact, Gilbert suggests that this may defeat the point, that people will not enjoy a work as much when the author is writing it for other people.
Gilbert emphasizes that one doesn’t need an education to be creative. Instead, she highlights The Importance of Curiosity and Play. Rather than spending a prohibitive amount of money for school, one can treat the world as a classroom. This is in line with her argument not to quit one’s day job. A financial burden is prohibitive to creating. It puts pressure on creativity and suppresses it.
Gilbert claims that there is no security in the arts. A potential critique is that many people, like Gilbert herself, have secure careers pursuing creative work. Gilbert’s argument may also give those outside of the arts fodder for proclaiming that the arts are less important than other professions. Separating the arts from other professions has the potential to stigmatize the arts, critics might argue, leading to lower wages for arts professionals. As Csíkszentmihályi notes:
The results of creativity enrich the culture and so they indirectly improve the quality of all of our lives [...] Some people argue that studying creativity is an elite distraction from the more pressing problems confronting us [...] A concern for creativity is an unnecessary luxury, according to this argument. But this position is somewhat shortsighted [...] Problems are solved only when we devote a great deal of attention to them and in a creative way (Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály. Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. HarperPerennial, 1996).
Gilbert examines how the inner critic can stifle creativity. Later she emphasizes that, like the trickster, one should approach creativity with curiosity, rather than with a competitive spirit. When people treat creativity like a capitalist endeavor—comparing themselves to others and measuring their worth based on success or failure—they are missing the point. Creativity should spark joy. Like the trickster, having confidence in one’s place in the world empowers one to be creative. This reflects her overall argument that creativity is universally accessible.
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By Elizabeth Gilbert