64 pages • 2 hours read
Ganya is a man who understands his own mediocrity, possessing a "profound and continual awareness of his own talentlessness" (350). He still holds out hope that he might marry Aglaya one day. His sister Varya has assisted him, trying to put the relationship back together. However, she tells Ganya that his chances are very bleak: a week after their meeting in the park, Myshkin and Aglaya are now "formally" (353) engaged. Ganya is upset by the news, which will be announced at a dinner party that evening. Ganya blames his family. Their reputation has been diminished by the recent news that General Ivolgin, Ganya's father, stole a wallet. Ganya dismisses their father's behavior as a "drunken incident" (355). Varya believes that Ganya's failure to marry Aglaya is because her brother does not truly "understand" (355) Aglaya. He does not realize that he is simply too conventional, too mediocre to be attractive to her. She tells her brother that Ippolit has now moved in with the Ivolgin family. Ganya hates Ippolit, who he believes also loves Aglaya. Ippolit has been gossiping to anyone who will listen about the stolen money. He has told Nina Ivolgin, for example, that he was the real criminal and he planned to give the money to his mother (the former mistress of Nina's husband, General Ivolgin). The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of General Ivolgin, Nina Ivolgin, Koyla, Ippolit, and Ptitsyn.
General Ivolgin complains that Ippolit, "a milksop and an atheist" (358), has been aggravating him. Ippolit has insisted that one of the General's tall tales is probably not true. When no one sides with the General (after so many years of tolerating the General's lies), the General angrily marches out of the house "in extreme wrath" (360). Ganya turns his attentions to Ippolit. He says Ippolit should have been more diplomatic with the General and accuses him of spreading lies about the theft of the wallet. To Ganya, the theft of the wallet was moment of drunkenness by the General which should be forgotten as quickly as possible. To further diminish Ippolit, Ganya mocks Ippolit's failed suicide attempt. Ippolit claims that Ganya dislikes him because he reminds Ganya too much of his own "vulgar and vile ordinariness" (361), before mocking Ganya for his failure to "attain" (362) Aglaya. Ippolit claims that he will soon move into an apartment that has been rented for him by his mother and that he will move out of Ptitsyn's apartment. Ippolit leaves. When he is alone with Varya, Ganya shows his sister a note from Aglaya, asking to meet him in the park and to bring Varya with him.
General Ivolgin's "clownishness" (363) becomes a worry for his family. His antics and his mood swings are becoming worse. He arranges to meet with Myshkin. After a short time avoiding Myshkin, Lebedev meets with him and reveals that the stolen wallet has been found (with all the money inside). The wallet first appeared under a piece of furniture, then moved to the pocket of Lebedev's own coat. Lebedev believes that General Ivolgin stole the wallet and has now secretly returned it, so that he can claim that the entire experience was just a misunderstanding and that Lebedev actually misplaced the wallet. For three days, Lebedev has kept quiet about the wallet. He wants General Ivolgin to suffer before he will performatively find the wallet and put the old man out of his misery. He describes with delight how General Ivolgin is "terribly displeased" (370). Myshkin calls on Lebedev to take pity on General Ivolgin and, reluctantly, Lebedev agrees.
Myshkin arrives late for his appointment with Genera Ivolgin. When he finally arrives, General Ivolgin announces that he has cut all ties with Lebedev because he demands "respect" (372). He claims that Lebedev is a liar who told a story about being shot during the invasion of Moscow by Napoleon's French Army in 1812. The absurdity of the story (in which Lebedev claimed to have lost his leg many years before he was born) was so patently untrue that Lebedev must surely have been mocking General Ivolgin. Myshkin suggests that Lebedev may have been telling "a joke for the sake of a merry laugh" (372). Continuing the conversation, General Ivolgin tells his own absurd tale. He claims to have been a child during Napoleon's invasion and he claims to have met (and worked as a page for) Napoleon. Myshkin writhes uncomfortably as the story becomes even more absurd, though he tells General Ivolgin that the story is "extremely interesting" (377). Eventually, General Ivolgin realizes what is happening, so he leaves, "covering his face with his hands" (378). He becomes ashamed and, that evening, he sends a note which blames Myshkin for patronizing him by compassionately listening to his ridiculous stories. General Ivolgin formally breaks off his friendship with Myshkin and, in the following days, after a major fight with Ganya, he will suffer from a terrible stroke while walking with Koyla.
Contrary to the rumors circulating around Saint Petersburg, Myshkin is not currently engaged to Aglaya. However, most people assume that Aglaya's future will be decided soon. Madame Epanchin investigates the matter, and her other daughters reveal to her that Myshkin visited Aglaya late at night recently. On one occasion, they played cards together. Myshkin won, despite Aglaya cheating, and Aglaya became "impudent and sarcastic" (383), to the point where Myshkin left in a sad state. To make up for her outburst, Aglaya sent him a hedgehog, bought from Koyla. Following this incident, Madame Epanchin demands a resolution. At her prompting, Aglaya speaks to Myshkin in front of her family and demands a confession: she wants to know whether Myshkin is "proposing to [her] or not" (385). He admits that he loves her, and he asks her to marry him. She immediately begins questioning him about his finances and his future. When she and her sisters begin break into "the maddest, almost hysterical laughter" (386), a despondent Myshkin fears that he is being mocked again. Aglaya's parents observe her strange behavior and conclude that she is "in love" (388) with Myshkin. When they return to the room, however, they find her apologizing to Myshkin and dismissing any talk of marriage. In the coming days, her regular arguments and teasing of Myshkin only convince them that she is actually in love with him. The cycle of quarreling and apologizing happens "incessantly" (389). One day, while walking in the park, he meets Ippolit. The young man complains about the Ivolgin family and bemoans his imminent death, stating that people resent him for still being alive. They talk about death and Ippolit asks Myshkin how he should die. Myshkin tells him that he should "pass by and forgive us our happiness" (392).
The General and Madame Epanchin host a party for the Saint Petersburg high society. They want to formally introduce Myshkin "into society" (393), meaning the social elite of Saint Petersburg, in case he marries their daughter. An important socialite is Princess Belokonsky, whose favor toward Myshkin could dictate his acceptance into high society. As they prepare, Aglaya teases Myshkin again. She tells him that he should "at least break the Chinese vase in the drawing room" (394) which is expensive and belongs to her mother. In a moment of honesty, she tells him to make sure he keeps his conversations simple and light. Myshkin returns home and spends a sleepless night worrying that he will have a "fit" (396) in front of the party guests. The following morning, the drunken Lebedev confesses to being the anonymous author of a letter, sent to Madame Epanchin, which describes the secret correspondence between Aglaya and Nastasya. He has also obtained a letter from Aglaya to Nastasya and believes that Aglaya is also writing to Ippolit. He shows Myshkin another letter, this one written by Aglaya and intended to be read by Ganya. Myshkin is shocked by Lebedev's role as a "spy" (398) in the social group. He reiterates his trust for Aglaya, though he still harbors suspicions about Ganya. Taking the letter and ignoring Lebedev's suggestion that he read it, Myshkin first plans to take it to Aglaya himself, then asks Kolya to take it for him. The news of General Ivolgin's stroke reaches Myshkin and he spends the time until the party worrying about the old man. The party at the Epanchin household goes ahead. At the beginning of the party, Myshkin is pleased to meet the beautiful and charming "magic circle" (400) of Saint Petersburg's elite, even if many of these people lack substance. Despite their appearance, they are "rather empty people" (400). Myshkin does not recognize the hollowness of the people and he prepares to deliver a speech that he hopes will charm them.
At the party, the conversation switches to Pavlishchev, the mentor and benefactor of Myshkin. When one guest claims that Pavlishchev eagerly "embraced Catholicism" (406) on his deathbed, Myshkin is offended by the mention of such an "unchristian faith" (407). He criticizes Catholicism as being worse than atheism and a distortion of the message of Jesus Christ. He views socialism as "a product" (408) of the secular, state-based Catholicism as socialism—to him—is an attempt to replicate the morality of religion through violence rather than God. Myshkin describes his believe that only the Russian Orthodox version of Christianity can save the world. As people try to placate the furious Myshkin, his gestures become more violent. In one unthinking expression of "passionate and agitated words and ecstatic thoughts" (409), he knocks over Madame Epanchin's priceless Chinese vase. He suddenly realizes what has happened, just as the guests begin "laughing" (410). To him, the reaction of the guests is a demonstration of Russian Orthodox Christianity, even though he had heard nothing but criticism of the Russian elite while he was abroad. Myshkin finishes his speech by describing beauty and happiness. He believes that it is "sometimes even good to be ridiculous" (414). Before he can finish, his epilepsy takes over and he collapses into a fit. After helping Myshkin, the guests leave. They are unimpressed by Myshkin's behavior, and their reaction prompts Madame Epanchin to decide that he is "not going to be Aglaya's husband" (415). When Aglaya claims to barely know Myshkin, however, Madame Epanchin comes to his defense.
Myshkin suffers from only a "mild" (415) seizure. By the following day, he is back to full health. The Epanchin family come to visit him, as do many other associates. Madame Epanchin invites him to visit the family that evening, provided he feels better. After they leave, Vera passes along a "secret" (417) message from Aglaya warning Myshkin to wait for her that evening and not leave the house until the evening. Ippolit arrives after. After coughing up blood, he claims to have witnessed a meeting between Ganya and Aglaya in the park but insists that nothing untoward occurred. Ippolit himself was there on Aglaya's behalf, to arrange "her meeting with Nastasya" (419). He claims that Aglaya has broken all contact with the Ivolgin family. Since the meeting, Aglaya has separately contacted Ippolit to arrange a meeting with Nastasya that evening. That evening, Aglaya visits Myshkin. She is "quite alone" (422). She asks him to walk her to a home where she believes that Nastasya lives, whenever Nastasya comes to Pavlovsk. There, waiting for them, are Nastasya and Rogozhin. The four characters talk. Aglaya "absurdly and awkwardly" (423) criticizes Nastasya for interfering in her romance with Myshkin and for failing to wash her hands of Totsky. According to Aglaya, Nastasya should rather have "gone to work as a washerwoman" (426) than immediately leave the city with Rogozhin. Nastasya is unconcerned about the accusations. She insists that the only reason Aglaya called the meeting is to discover which woman Myshkin truly loves. She threatens to accept Myshkin's original (still-standing) offer of marriage. She believes that Myshkin still loves her more than Aglaya. When they turn to Myshkin for an answer, his "moment of hesitation" (427) is all Aglaya needs to know the truth: Myshkin loves Nastasya over her. Aglaya runs from the room and Myshkin tries to follow. Nastasya intervenes, preventing him from leaving by fainting into Myshkin's arms. Myshkin feels obliged to help Nastasya, "comforting and reassuring her like a child" (428). He cares for her until she recovers, and he feels too ashamed to return to his house. As requested by Nastasya, Rogozhin leaves while Myshkin comforts her.
During this time, events become confusing, and the narrative becomes fragmented. Two weeks pass, in which rumors "gradually spread" (428) around the city that Myshkin abandoned his relationship with Aglaya to run away with the "fallen woman" (429), Nastasya. In truth, Myshkin does spend a lot of his time with Nastasya, but he also makes regular visits to the Epanchin house, only to be turned away each time. After leaving Nastasya's house, Aglaya visited Ptitsyn. There, she talked to Ganya, who claimed to truly love her, unlike Myshkin. Aglaya "laughed" (431) in Ganya's face and dismissed his love. Varya met with Madame Epanchin and revealed that Aglaya rejected Ganya. Madame Epanchin and her two older daughters went to collect Aglaya from Ptitsyn's house. The Epanchins leave their residence in Saint Petersburg as rumors continue to spread about the scandalous events. News spreads that Myshkin and Nastasya are engaged, and they begin to prepare for their public wedding. Rumors say that Ganya has tried (and failed) to rekindle his engagement to Aglaya while Ippolit tells people that Myshkin is losing his mind. Evgeny visits Myshkin and, as they talk about the situation, Evgeny accuses him of breaking Aglaya's spirit and humiliating her "before her rival" (434). He tries to understand why Myshkin loves Nastasya, whether it was genuine love or just pity and a desire to help a poor woman. Aglaya loved Evgeny, he claims, and now she cannot love anyone. Myshkin confesses that he wishes he could speak to Aglaya and explain the situation to her, but she refuses to see him. Myshkin tries to convince Evgeny to take him to see Aglaya but Evgeny refuses, shocked by Myshkin's apparent plan to "love" (435) both Nastasya and Aglaya. He leaves, convinced that Myshkin is "slightly out of his mind" (436).
Rumors suggest that Evgeny's visit to Myshkin was prompted by General and Madame Epanchin. They worry, the rumors suggest, that Myshkin will ruin his reputation by marrying an insane person like Nastasya. For his part, Myshkin is aware that Nastasya is not entirely sane. He wants to marry her anyway because he fears that she will die if he does not. During this period, General Ivolgin dies from a second stroke. He is buried in a small funeral ceremony. In this time, Myshkin argues and reconciles with the increasingly sick Ippolit, who is now seemingly certain to "die soon" (439). As his health falters, Ippolit implores Myshkin to run away from Nastasya. Myshkin ignores Ippolit and avoids "all conversations of that sort" (440). As the wedding between Myshkin and Nastasya approaches, Nastasya becomes convinced that Rogozhin is hiding in the garden. No one else can see him but she is certain that he plans to "kill her in the night" (441). Myshkin consoles his fiancé. On the night before they are set to be married, Nastasya is struck by her fear once again. She locks herself in her bedroom "in tears, in despair, in hysterics" (442). She is worried about telling Myshkin but, when she does, he is able to calm her nerves. The wedding takes place: Nastasya wears a beautiful dress and begins to walk to the ceremony. On the way, however, she sees Rogozhin in the crowd. She runs to him and begs him to "take [her] away" (443). They leave together on a train to Saint Petersburg. At the wedding, Myshkin admits that he suspected something like this might happen. He goes back to his dacha, which is "besieged" (444) by curious people. Eventually, he is left alone. The next day, he wakes early to take the train to Saint Petersburg.
Myshkin follows Nastasya and Rogozhin the next day. He travels from Pavlovsk to Saint Petersburg and arrives at Rogozhin's home. The servants try to dismiss him, insisting that Rogozhin is "not at home" (445) but Myshkin suspects that they are lying. Myshkin goes for a walk and, after spending the day wandering the streets, he is found by Rogozhin and invited back to Rogozhin's house. When they go inside, a "very pale" (451) Rogozhin reveals Nastasya's "completely motionless" (452) dead body. She has been stabbed by Rogozhin, who laid her body on a bed and covered by a sheet. Rogozhin breaks down. He sits down on the floor and asks the "trembling" (454) Myshkin to join him. When the police eventually enter the bedroom, they find Myshkin comforting the delirious Rogozhin. Myshkin has deteriorated as well, returning to the mental state which prompted him to first be sent to the Swiss sanitarium. He has, once again, become "an idiot" (456).
The police were called by people worried about Myshkin and Nastasya. The police spoke to the building caretaker before breaking into the bedroom. Rogozhin suffers from a "brain fever" (456) but recovers well enough to make a full confession at the trial for the murder of Nastasya. He is found guilty and sentenced to 15 years in a Siberian labor camp. Two weeks after Nastasya's death, Ippolit finally succumbs to his consumption. He dies sooner than he expected and "in terrible anxiety" (457). Evgeny arranges for Myshkin to return to the sanitarium in Switzerland. Every few months, he goes to visit. The doctor warns him, however, that there is little hope that Myshkin will ever emerge from his catatonic state. Evgeny sends regular updates back to Koyla and Vera. Aglaya marries a man who claims to be a Polish count, going "against the will of her parents" (458). She runs away with the man but soon finds out that he has lied to her about his nobility and his wealth. Madame Epanchin arranges to visit Myshkin. When she enters his room in the sanitarium, he fails to recognize her. Madame Epanchin cries and tells Evgeny that Russians are not supposed to be abroad. However, she can at least have a "good Russian cry" (458) for her suffering friend.
Part 4 of The Idiot begins with a portrayal of Ganya's exquisitely balanced tragedy. The novel divides the characters into those who are ordinary and those who are extraordinary. While the majority of the former are typically delighted to live in ignorance of their own ordinariness and the latter are too preoccupied with being extraordinary to notice, Ganya is an ordinary man who is intelligent enough to know and acknowledge the limits of his own person. He is constantly striving to better himself and to be with better people, but he is undermined by his own inadequacy. He cannot compete with his own limitations, meaning that he is his own worst enemy. Because he possesses just enough intelligence to recognize intelligence in others (and a lack of true intelligence in himself), he is able to see the hollowness of his own existence and the doomed nature of his pursuit of social improvement. Nothing Ganya ever does will be good enough. He can either accept his place and marry someone of his level, like his sister, or he can abandon all his pretensions of intelligence and lose himself in a dream world of lies, like his father. Ganya's entire life has been devoted to trying to escape his tragic predicament. All he has learned from a lifetime of struggle, however, is that he is doomed to repeat it forever.
The tragic plight of men like Ganya and Ippolit illustrates the crushing pessimism of the cynical world. The role of Myshkin is the novel is to question whether such a world could tolerate an innocent, pure, and sincere person. Myshkin is introduced to Saint Petersburg as a social antithesis. He embodies everything the society is not, and he is never truly understood by most of the characters. He speaks his mind and tells the truth while they, unable to comprehend such sincerity, project onto him cynical motivations and immorality. The society's inability to understand or accept Myshkin is demonstrative of the nature of the society itself. The cynical, jaded society of Russian elites tolerates Myshkin for a brief window, and then only as a novelty, before the violence and tragedy conspire to break his mind and send him back to the sanitarium. Myshkin was an idiot to these characters, someone who was too naïve to operate in the world. However, his fate shows how the Russian elite itself is ignorant of its own naivety. They cannot (or do not want to) recognize the flaws in their society, even as they wrestle with an existential dread which they cannot comprehend. Rather than empathize with people like Myshkin, Nastasya, or Ippolit, the society grinds these people into dust and leaves them dead or broken. The society's inability to accommodate innocent, traumatized, or doomed people illustrates the society's inability to be anything other than a cynical, self-interested world of hollow, uninteresting people.
Such self-destruction is endemic to the society. Myshkin acknowledges early in the novel that Nastasya will be destroyed if she marries Rogozhin. He does not hate Rogozhin for this; he expresses it as a tragic and inevitable consequence of the nature of their personalities. Nastasya will never be able to stop hating herself, never able to stop viewing herself as the person society has decided she must be. Meanwhile, Rogozhin will never be able to love dispassionately, and his furious desire will compel him to eventually destroy anyone who does not love as he loves. Rogozhin loves Nastasya, but Nastasya does not love herself, so he must destroy her for not being capable of loving herself as he loves her. At the same time, Myshkin pities both Rogozhin and Nastasya. Rogozhin stalks Myshkin. He threatens to stab him and then he actually stabs the woman Myshkin loves. Yet Myshkin can never bring himself to hate Rogozhin. Unlike the society which cannot understand or tolerate Myshkin, Rogozhin does understand Myshkin. He understands Myshkin as a dialectical inversion of himself. They possess the same qualities, only in mirror image. As such, they are able to recognize each other. Even when they hate each other or distrust each other, they are never far apart in thought. The love triangle between Nastasya, Rogozhin, and Myshkin was doomed from the beginning. The three are too far removed from the social expectation. They love intense and sincerely, but—at least for Rogozhin and Nastasya—their hate is equally as sincere. They are proponents of sincerity in an insincere world and, as a result, they are ostracized, alienated, and eventually eliminated. One is murdered, one is imprisoned, and one is sent away to a sanitarium, having lost his mind. All three are broken, savaged by the society for the crime of rejecting cynicism.
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By Fyodor Dostoevsky