63 pages • 2 hours read
Popper opens by suggesting that the logic of a scientific methodology must impose a theory of theories because science functions as a system of various hypotheses. These theories are also described as “universal statements.” These statements intend to make sense of the world and its operations.
Causality, Explanation, and the Deduction of Predictions
Popper utilizes an example of a broken thread to illustrate the components of a causal explanation of an event. In this illustration, a thread with one pound test has two pounds of weight put on top of it. The thread breaks. The scientist first has a hypothesis—that if a weight is put upon a thread that exceeds its tensile strength, it will break. This is a scientific statement, but it also has two other scientific statements: the weight of the thread and the weight of the pressure. The first statement, the hypothesis, functions as a universal statement. The other two statements are singular statements. Popper suggests that both are necessary for causal explanations.
Popper uses the term “causal explanation” instead of “principle of causality” because the latter implies that an event can be wholly determined by its causal explanation. Causal explanations provide statements, but they can also be falsified. Popper pauses to assert that he is not proposing that scientists should stop seeking universal truths. Although those truths may never be achieved, this is the direction that falsifiability travels; it continues to refine theories to get as close as possible that universal truth.
Strict and Numerical Universality
Popper outlines two types of universal statements. The first—which he has referred to in previous sections and chapters—is a strictly universal statement. This category references “theories or natural laws” (62). The second refers to numerical universal statements. Strictly universal statements apply to any point of space and time, while numerical universal statements have definitively finite parameters. Popper suggests that arguing over these two types of universal statements does not produce a useful outcome. Instead, he provides an agreement upon methodology. Natural laws are strictly universal, meaning they are non-verifiable.
Universal Concepts and Individual Concepts
In this section, Popper distinguishes between universal concepts and individual concepts. He views this divergence as imperative in the logic of scientific discovery. Universal concepts are broad; he utilizes the terms “dictator” and “planet” to illustrate universal concepts. Individual, or singular, concepts are more specific: “Napoleon” instead of “dictator,” “the earth” instead of “planet.” Scientific hypotheses rely upon universal statements, but they apply those statements to singular cases. Scientists should strive to be as specific as possible with the language they use for concepts. For example, one should not use the word “mammal” when referring to a “dog.” Although dogs are mammals, the lack of specificity of the term “mammal” clouds the understanding of the specific concept.
Strictly Universal and Existential Statements
Statements that lack specific names and utilize only universal concepts are considered “strict.” Statements such as “all ravens are black” are not universal, although they give the appearance of universality (68). Such a statement cannot be tested for falsifiability; there is no way for a scientist to travel around the world and observe every single raven. Popper proposes, instead, “There are black ravens,” which he suggests is a strictly universal statement (68). This type of statement is determined by its ability to be negated. Natural laws are falsifiable; they have the possibility of being deniable. This differs from strictly existential statements adopted by pseudoscience; there is no way to falsify a strictly existential statement.
Theoretical Systems
Scientific theories constantly change as new information is presented; however, certain branches of science are constructed from systems of theories that work together. Popper proposes that it is necessary to construct systems of theories upon which one can test new statements. He proposes a “axiomatized system” that collects all the assumptions based upon prevailing theories and statements. This system is subject to four requirements. First, the ideas within the system cannot contradict one another. Second, the system should work independently from other systems. Third, there should be enough ideas to support the deduction of the statement. Finally, there should be no additional, superfluous ideas within the system.
Some Possibilities of Interpreting a System of Axioms
Popper argues that axioms, while useful and necessary, should not be viewed as self-evident or universally true. He utilizes Euclidean geometry as an example. The robustness of Euclidean geometry does not mean that it is immune from falsifiability. Instead, axioms should be viewed as conventions or hypotheses.
Levels of Universality. The Modus Tollens
The highest forms of universal statements are strict universal statements that can be falsified. However, hypotheses usually contain lesser universal statements as well. Hypotheses must be observable; these lesser universal statements can be utilized so long as they are falsifiable.
Some Conventionalist Objections
Those opposed to Popper’s use of falsifiability adhere to a process of conventionalism. Conventionalism requires a suspension of disbelief and suggests that certain aspects of the world—such as the simplistic laws of nature—are cheapened by the imposition of falsifiability. Popper views conventionalism as an attempt to escape the application of logic. Although he admires how conventionalism has drawn a distinction between theory and experiment, he rejects the idea that it is a form of science. Conventionalists dismiss evidence that may falsify their claims. Popper argues that the mark of a true scientist is the embrace of new discoveries that may lay waste to the original idea. Falsification leads to new arguments and, therefore, a more refined understanding of the world.
Methodological Rules
Demarcation cannot be applied to systems of statements but only to strict universal statements. One cannot look at a system of statements and determine whether they are empiricist or conventionalist. Popper identifies a singular way of avoiding conventionalist practices: by making a distinct decision to avoid applying those practices. Popper reminds the reader of the four strategies outlined in the previous chapter that are to be used in conventionalist thinking that scientists should avoid and reject if they detect them in the works of others. Auxiliary hypotheses should be constructed to increase the possibility of falsifiability. Hypotheses should be built upon the desire to construct a new system that would advance scientific understanding.
Logical Investigation of Falsifiability
Having set aside the possibility of conventionalism, Popper turns to the task of characterizing falsifiable systems. In this section, the philosopher operates with the assumption that basic statements—the building blocks of strict universal statements—can be falsifiable. He attempts to construct a definition of “empirical” and its relationship to single statements. Empirical theories are not categorized as empirical because they are derived from singular statements nor because they use a series of singular statements to create a foundation. Empirical theories require a falsifiable statement.
Falsifiability and Falsification
In this section, Popper draws a distinction between falsifiability and falsification. Falsifiability represents the conditional quality for statements to be categorized as empirical. Falsification requires specific rules. The basic statements of a theory must contradict one another, and this contradiction must be reproduced. This corroborates the falsification.
Occurrences and Events
Popper dissects the relationship between basic statements and theories to present his ideas in what he describes as a “‘realistic’ mode of speech” (88). He replaces “occurrences” with “basic statements.” Therefore, an experiment may rule out certain theories through possible occurrences. While many philosophers feel that words like “occurrence” or “event” are too slippery to be defined concretely, Popper feels they do justice to the concepts they describe. When two singular statements appear to confirm the same occurrence, this occurrence represents a singular statement. “Event” then represents universal ideas.
Falsifiability and Consistency
One of the most important factors for scientific inquiry into a theory is consistency. Every theoretical system should be driven by consistency.
Perceptual Experiences as Empirical Basis: Psychologism
While empirical science is reliant upon experience, inductive logic renders it ineffective. Empiricism must be paired with deductive reasoning. To avoid dogmatism, scientists must avoid the trappings of “immediate knowledge” that are prevalent in psychologism (94). This means that scientists can gain immediate understandings of truth through sense-experience. Popper argues that humans can never know any scientific statement to be true with infallibility; sense-experience is always based upon a limited point of view.
Concerning the So-Called “Protocol Sentences”
Psychologism has its own version of scientific statements Popper categorizes as “protocol sentences.” These are statements of experience. Popper suggests that basic scientific statements can only be tested under the scrutiny of other statements. He argues that a set of rules must be established to determine whether a statement is discarded or utilized for measurement.
The Objectivity of the Empirical Basis
Popper opens this section by claiming that he will distinguish between his school of scientific thought and that of psychologism. The distinction will be made between objectivity and the personal experience that drives psychologism. While he concedes that knowledge is gained through observation and experience, he rejects any notion that this experience verifies that knowledge. The history of epistemology was historically about theories of the mind; they were untestable via experience because they dealt only with thought.
Empirical science, however, is perceived to be rooted in experience and perception. Popper suggests that it requires the marriage of experience and logical reasoning. However, logic must be broken into smaller pieces and rigorously tested. This method requires critics to formulate tests of their own rather than reject the scientific statement based upon their own feelings. This testing is applied to basic statements, or “singular existential statements” (102). To achieve falsifiability, these statements must have a concrete and observable element. Popper argues that psychologism can never have a wholly observable element because observation requires a materialistic effect.
The Relativity of Basic Statements. Resolution of Fries’ Trilemma
Every scientific test should lead to one of two conclusions: corroboration or falsification. If one of these goals is not achieved, then the test was not effective. If scientists are unable to reach an agreement about the conclusion, then more testing is required. Popper addresses what he calls “Fries’ Trilemma,” a thought experiment that seeks to illustrate which of these three approaches can come closest to achieving a form of truth: dogmatism, infinite regress, and psychologism. Fries determined that psychologism came closest, but Popper argues that one can eliminate the trilemma altogether by taking important elements for each approach.
Theory and Experiment
Those who utilize inductive logic begin their experiments by collecting experience and sense impressions. Deductive science requires the establishment of a theory—a basic statement that can be observed and measured. Without this theory, scientists have no idea what to observe and record. The best theories are based upon their degree of falsification. Rather than choosing the theory that is the simplest, Popper proposes using the one that can be the most rigorously tested.
A Programme and an Illustration
Popper compares the basic statements that form testable theories to the radius of a circle. The circle represents the collection of basic statements of a single system, and the various radii represent the many observable events that can be falsified. He argues that these events must be “incompatible with the theory and ruled out by it” (112). The width of the radius is indicative of its degree of falsifiability. Despite the sheer volume of potential falsifiable statements, a section of the circle must always remain as unfalsifiable. There is always more to learn and no way to determine anything with complete verification. Popper calls this section of the circle “forbidden events.”
How are the Classes of Potential Falsifiers to be Compared?
An infinite number of falsifiable classes exist. To determine which classes of falsifiers are more or less falsifiable, Popper offers three ways of thinking about the concepts of “more” or “less” as it applies to falsifiability. First, the cardinality, or the power, of a class cannot be used to determine the degree because all theories have equal weight. No theory has more power than another. Second, the concept of dimension can be used to determine degree because it measures the number of relations among basic statements. Third, the subclass relation requires that each class have a subclass that is equal in all ways. Therefore, the subclass of one directly matches the other. However, this is not a perfect means to determine degree because the falsifiers of the two classes may intersect.
Degrees of Falsifiability Compared by Means of the Subclass Relation
Popper provides several equations to define and determine the dimension of a theory. For example, if two statements have identical classes, then they will have the same level of falsifiability. If the two statements do not have a relational value in which one statement has a subclass of the other, then the falsifiability of the two statements cannot be compared.
The Structure of the Subclass Relation. Logical Probability
In this section, Popper provides an illustration in Figure I of what subclass relations look like if charted on the circle. The points where the classes intersect are the testable relations that provide the opportunity of falsifiability. This applies only to singular statements, not universal statements.
Empirical Content, Entailment, and Degrees of Falsifiability
The more a basic statement can be falsified, the more information it provides about the world. These classes of statements have two elements: empirical content and logical content. Popper argues that the statements should have equal empirical and logical contents. If there is an imbalance, such as if one statement has greater empirical content than the other, then the amount of the other content—logical—must increase.
Levels of Universality and Degrees of Precision
If a scientist focuses solely on empirical content, then the need for universality and precision becomes greater. Popper provides an example of how universal statements can move to basic statements. The universal statement reads as a natural law: “All orbits of heavenly bodies are circles” (122). This statement becomes more basic as it becomes more refined: “All orbits of planets are circles” (122). Although the first statement has a higher degree of falsifiability, it is more difficult to test. The second statement, if tested and falsified, inherently falsifies the universal statement. If the orbit of a planet is shown to not be a circle, then the first statement is not corroborated.
Logical Ranges. Notes on the Theory of Measurement
The technique a scientist uses to apply measurement further determines how precise an experiment is. Popper’s most important measurement for the effectiveness of a statement is its degree of testability.
Degrees of Testability Compared by Reference to Dimensions
While the methods discussed in this chapter so far are highly effective, they do not always work for every purpose. In the example of conservation of energy—which is a principle with a high degree of universality—reliance on subclasses may not lead to the necessary parameters needed for the experiment. In these instances, scientists may need to look at the dimension of the theory, referring to the number of statements which comprise the field of application. Scientists must determine which method or whether both methods are needed.
The Dimension of a Set of Curves
If one thinks of a field of application as a set of statements within a theory, one can map the theory using a circle. Each point within the circle represents a statement. Therefore, the dimension is equal to the set of curves.
Two Ways of Reducing the Number of Dimensions of a Set of Curves
In this section, Popper provides a graph detailing the various dimensional classes and the points through which the circle should pass. Reducing the dimensions of the scientific approach increases the opportunity for falsifiability.
Elimination of the Aesthetic and the Pragmatic Concepts of Simplicity
Popper rejects traditional understandings of simplicity for their impreciseness and openness to interpretation. He argues that simplicity has no correlation with how an idea is presented or explained. It also is not related to the methodology; just because the performance of an experiment is easier, this does not correspond with Popper’s definition of simplicity.
The Methodological Problem of Simplicity
Now that these definitions have been stripped away, Popper seeks to clarify what is left. He offers that simplicity should “provide a measure of the degree of law-likeness or regularity of events” (138). Positivists assume that a theory that is simple and corroborated represents a law. This fails to acknowledge the infinite number of testable points of any field of application. Although Popper outlines what simplicity is not, he suggests that it is of little importance to provide a clear definition of what it is. Instead, he hopes to respond to the philosophical problem of simplicity.
Simplicity and Degree of Falsifiability
Theories with lower dimension are easier to falsify than those with a high dimension. The universality of the theory increases as it becomes more exacting and has a greater degree of falsifiability. The more universal a statement it is, the simpler it is. These simple statements provide a greater understanding of the natural world.
Geometrical Shape and Functional Form
Although a shape—such as that of a curve—is not a simple concept, the law that represents that shape through a function can be viewed as simple. Popper uses the sine function as an example of this simplicity of function versus complexity of shape. The testability of a geometrical statement requires a physical object upon which the statement can be examined.
Conventionalism and the Concept of Simplicity
Popper warns against utilizing a definition of simplicity that is embraced by conventionalists. Conventionalists do not emphasize falsifiability; therefore, the simplest statements affirm their beliefs.
The term “conventionalism,” as it is used by Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery, represents the philosophical argument that society and nature operate under a set of unspoken rules. Conventionalism represents Popper’s critique with fields like psychoanalysis and metaphysics; according to Popper, these fields seek only to affirm their theories. Conventionalism evades evidence that may seek to falsify a theory. He details strategies used by conventionalists to overlook contrarian evidence. For example, conventionalists utilize ad hoc hypotheses, theories that stack additional hypotheses to justify data that may appear to contradict the original hypotheses. Imagine a scientist wants to prove the existence of Santa Claus. To curb the issue of falsifiability, the scientist may add that Santa Claus is invisible and, therefore, unobservable. Conventionalists may also rely on alternative definitions, introduce doubt to the experiment or the person applying the methodology, and challenge the authority of the original theorist. New discoveries that may contradict ideas can be swept away by a conventionalist attitude. This is what he identifies as The Problem with Inductive Logic. Inductive reasoning seeks to confirm theories and establish them as truth. Popper argues that a conventionalist approach to science does not leave room for shifts in scientific understanding. Instead, they rely on a measure of belief. The philosopher advocates for an objective methodology that embraces the possibility that accepted ideas may not be true. Because the scientific method relies on the application of universal statements to singular concepts, verifiability can never occur.
As Popper outlines his dismissal of conventionalism, he emphasizes using proper terminology to clarify his ideas. Popper’s usage of “occurrence” and “events” represents both an important distinction from the canon of philosophical writing and an homage to it. Philosophers take great care to meticulously define the terms they use. Popper does the same throughout his work. He ensures that his readers understand the difference between “falsification” and “falsifiability,” “universal statements” and “basic statements,” etc. However, he also allows for common sense to rule. In many instances in the work, Popper begins to define terminology and then abandons the practice because he feels it is unnecessary. The two elements—empirical and logical content—explored in this section represent the push and pull between sense-experience and rationalism. The philosopher establishes his theory in the tradition of philosophical works while clarifying that his philosophy is scientific rather than conventionalist. His approach to terminology is not indicative of a lack of attention to detail. Instead, it represents Popper’s frustration with a form of science that idolizes baseless arguing over sound methodology.
Popper is interested in the Demarcation of Science and Non-Science, and he builds his scientific methodology upon a foundation of falsifiability, testability, and deductive reasoning. Popper’s demand that all theories be driven by consistency represents his focus on utilizing a control in the scientific method. He suggests that “a consistent system […] divides the set of all possible statements into two: those which it contradicts and those with which it is compatible” (92). This is one of his main complaints about psychology and metaphysics. He argues that these fields do not use a control and that they utilize inductive, conventionalist practices. Rather than focusing the bulk of his work on the history and meaning of terms, he spends considerable time outlining methodology, including the need for consistency.
In addition to consistency, Popper also suggests that selected universal statements should be selected for their simplicity. Popper directly addresses the problem of simplicity in Chapter 7. Popper’s discussion of simplicity sets the groundwork for his theories on probability. One major criticism with Popper’s work connects to his failure to clearly define the term “simplicity.” Philosophers have long argued over the meaning of simplicity, especially in how it applies to scientific methodology. Some definitions of simplicity imply that it is related to the convenience of the testability; others suggest that the simplicity of the statement is directly related to the simplicity of nature. These definitions leave room for bias and circular reasoning. Popper argues that statements should be based on how much information they provide about the world. Simpler statements have a greater degree of falsifiability and, therefore, have more to say about existence and natural law. Although he does not define simplicity directly, his connection between simplicity and falsifiability reflects a new way of looking at the philosophical topic.
In the traditions of philosophy and science, simplicity is placed at a higher ranking than complexity. The principle of Occam’s razor is a 14th-century theory that the simplest ideas should always be given precedence and that philosophers should avoid over-complicating concepts. Occam’s razor is best summarized as “simplest is best.” Popper believed that the simpler an idea is, the easier it will be to test it. Therefore, simpler theories, or statements, have a better chance of falsifiability. Simpler statements restrict experience and therefore increase falsifiability. Popper argues that all science should have The Aim of Falsifiability. The soundest scientific practices are those that seek to falsify rather than confirm. The simplicity of a universal statement has a direct correlation with the degree of falsifiability. The simpler an idea is, the easier it is to set up a test for falsifiability. For Popper, this means simple statements have more to say about existence and the world. In Chapter 6 Popper reveals the various dimensions of ideas. The more points on the graph of the field of application that intersect, the more data the scientist will need to determine falsifiability, and simpler ideas have fewer intersections.
Popper’s work with simplicity has been criticized for selecting the most falsifiable hypothesis over the one with the simplest analysis. He has also been criticized for not following his own advice; some scientists believe that the hypotheses Popper chooses are not the simplest. This may be due to his failure to define simplicity for what it is, not just what it is not. Furthermore, adding details to a hypothesis may seem like it would cloud or complicate the experiment, but often these additional details help to clarify ideas and elevate simplicity.
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By Karl Popper